Sunday, April 22, 2012

Goodbye Already?

           Our five weeks in Big Bend National Park have been some of the most beautiful and peaceful weeks of my life. I didn’t know I could, but I have fallen in love with the desert. I have found myself curiously awestruck by the thriving life in a place that appears so dead and empty. Every bug and plant seems to have a story of epic survival. Whether it a beetle who has built an armor of cactus thorns for protection or a flower blooming beautifully in a hole in a rock the size of my pinky, a day in the desert never went without a fascinating moment.
          I am incredibly sad to be leaving this place but now understand how important it is to make the effort to see those places in the world that are less traveled. That still untouched by human hands has greater beauty that anything mankind can ever create.
          My final thoughts on this project are the things I have learned to appreciate here in Big Bend:
1.       Water
2.       The night sky
3.       The will of survival
4.       Cell phone service (I have none in the state of Texas apparently)
5.       The therapeutic effects of family game nights

The whole team on our first day in the park

Working at a new border crossing, thats Mexico right behind us!

On the new Lone Mountain trail.

Where to next? We are on our way to Fort Davis, TX to work with the Grand Companions Humane Society.


  1. Best Wishes on your next adventure! I'll have to put Big Bend on my bucket list, thanks to your wonderful descriptions and stories. Such beauty is a gift when you are there to not only experience it but reflect on how it all fits into the "big" picture! What an amazing place to be in your life right now. Hugs!

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